How can you diet or control your diet to lose weight?

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There are many ways to diet or control your diet to lose weight, such as eating high-protein foods, consuming calorie-counting foods, or avoiding refined carbohydrates. In addition, for diets to be effective and efficient, you should get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and drink enough water each day.

What is a diet?

The word diet comes from the English word Diet, which means food. However, in Thailand, diet means controlling food intake or choosing foods to help in weight loss.

How to diet?

There are several ways to control your diet to lose weight, as follows:

Consuming food that provides less energy than the body needs

The body needs energy to perform various activities. Therefore, it is necessary to consume food and drinks to break down and change nutrients into energy. However, if the body receives more energy than it needs each day, it will store excess energy in the form of fat. When fat increases, weight and body size will also increase, putting you at risk of being overweight or obese.

Choose to consume high- protein foods .

Consuming high- protein foods or choosing to eat mostly protein-rich foods will help increase levels of hormones that make you feel full, such as GLP-1, Peptide YY, and Cholecystokinin, and reduce levels of hunger-inducing hormones such as Ghrelin. Therefore, consuming high-protein foods helps you feel full for a long time, reduces appetite, and helps reduce excess energy, leading to effective weight control.

Choose to consume foods that are high in fiber.

Consuming foods that contain soluble dietary fiber such as pectin, beta-glucan, psyllium or glucomannan may help with weight loss. This is because these dietary fibers turn into gels when in contact with water, making you feel full for longer periods of time, reducing your appetite and preventing excess energy intake, which helps prevent obesity.

Avoid consuming refined carbohydrates.

Those who want to lose weight should avoid consuming refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white rice, baked goods, and noodles because they provide high energy and also stimulate appetite, which may lead to overeating.

In addition, after consuming refined carbohydrates, blood sugar levels tend to rise rapidly, causing hormonal imbalances in the body and abnormal metabolic functioning of the body, which may lead to obesity or being overweight.